- Fraternal Order Of Eagles Statutes
- Fraternal Order Of Eagles Rules
- Fraternal Order Of Eagles Officer Handbook 2020
- Fraternal Order Of Eagles Officer Handbook 2019
Fraternal Order Of Eagles Officers Handbook Fraternal Order Of Eagles Dallas The Fraternal Order of Eagles, an international non-profit organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope. Fraternal Order of Eagles stated mission is to unite fraternally for mutual benefit, protection, improvement, social enjoyment and association, all persons of good moral character who believe in a Supreme Being to inculcate the principles of liberty, truth, justice and equality, to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization and to provide for its government as it's Constitution, Laws, Rituals, by-laws or other rules and regulations may from time to time provide, and to promote the general.
Officers, please note.
This Ritual is to be spoken, or declaimed, before an Aerie—not read. It has been written with this thought constantly in mind. The words and the sentences, if properly emphasized when spoken, will receive attention and carry an impressiveness that reading will not insure.
Every officer of a local Aerie shall, within sixty days after his installation as such officer, commit to memory that part of the Orders Ritual applying to his station.
It is very important that the Ritual be memorized and studied by the officers. Only in this way can you impress the candidate of the solemnity and dignity of his induction into this fraternity which is dedicated to Service to Humanity.
The Worthy President shall stand from the time he opens the Aerie until he has officially declared the Aerie ready to consider all matters that might rightfully come before it.
Worthy President: Let us have order. Officers, take your places. Inside Guard, ask all members to come into the Aerie room.
The Inside Guard, acting under this order of the Worthy President, which is mandatory, shall insist that all, except visiting Brothers and candidates for initiation, must leave the anteroom; and at no time, while the Aerie is in session, shall he permit members to remain in the anteroom longer than is necessary to work their way into the Aerie room.
Inside Guard: Worthy President, I have obeyed your orders.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, with the aid of the Worthy Chaplain, Both the Worthy Conductor and the Worthy Chaplain shall rise as their stations are named, and give the salutation sign. you will examine the official receipts and ascertain if each one present is in good standing.
The Worthy Conductor and the Worthy Chaplain shall go to the Altar, and, facing the Worthy President, give the salutation sign. After being recognized, the Worthy Conductor shall go alone to the station of the Worthy President and pre. sent for inspection his official receipt and give the Worthy President the semiannual password Returning to the Altar where the Worthy Chaplain is standing, the Worthy Conductor shall, in turn, inspect his off icial receipt and receive from him the semiannual password.
At this time the Worthy President shall call the Aerie to its feet.
The Worthy Conductor, beginning with the nearest member on the right of the Worthy President, and the Worthy Chaplain, beginning with the nearest member on the left of the Worthy President, shall examine the official receipts and receive the semiannual password. Each member, after satisfying the examining officer, shall take his seat.
If a Brother is without his official receipt, or is not in possession of the semiannual password, he shall advance to the Altar, face the Worthy President, give the salutation sign, and await the pleasure of the Worthy President.
After the official receipts have been examined, the Worthy Conductor and the Worthy Chaplain shall go to the Altar, give the salutation sign, and, after being recognized by the Worthy President, the Worthy Conductor shall say:
Worthy Conductor: Worthy President, we find all present are in good standing,
In case any member has been challenged because he is without his official receipt or the semiannual password, the Worthy Conductor shall add: except the Brothers before the Altar.
Instead of the plural, the singular form of verbs, or nouns, and of pronouns shall be used throughout the entire text of the Ritual wherever such grammatical changes are necessary.
Worthy President: Thank you; you may return to your places.
The Worthy Conductor and the Worthy Chaplain shall return to their places and be seated.
If any Brother has been challenged, the Worthy President shall say: Brother, you may approach this station.
The member spoken to shall approach the Worthy President on the side nearest the Secretary’s desk.
Worthy President: Brother Secretary, is this Brother in good standing?
The Secretary may ask such questions as he considers necessary in order to give the Worthy President the information asked for.
If the Secretary declares the Brother in good standing, the Worthy President shall give him the semiannual password, or excuse him for his negligence in failing to have his official receipt with him.
If he is not in good standing, the Worthy President must, unless the Brother declares his willingness immediately to comply with the constitutional requirements, rec1uest him to withdraw from the Aerie room.
Worthy President: To all visitors seated in the Aerie room, I bid you welcome.
Worthy Conductor, go to the anteroom, find if there are any visiting Brothers in waiting and, if they can qualify, present them at the Altar.
It is not necessary for any officer, or his attendants, to give any sign when leaving the Aerie room on official business, but each must always work his way back to his station, or place.
During the time the Worthy Conductor is carrying out the instructions of the Worthy President, the members of the Aerie shall remain quietly in their seats.
The Worthy Conductor shall work his way into the Aerie room; that is, he shall give the proper rap on the inner door, enter the Aerie room, advance to the Altar, and give the salutation sign to the Worthy President. If there are no visiting Brothers in waiting, he shall then say: Worthy President, there are no visitors.
The Worthy Conductor shall return to his place and remain standing.
If there is a visiting. Brother in waiting, the Worthy Conductor and the visitor shall work their way into the Aerie room, advance to the Altar, then, together, give the salutation sign to the Worthy President. The Worthy Conductor shall then read from the visitor’s official receipt, and say: Worthy President, I have the pleasure of presenting Brother .. of Aerie Number .. He is in good standing in his Aerie, as shown by his official receipt and his possession of the semiannual password.
Worthy President: I welcome you on behalf of .. Aerie. Please visit us as often as you can.
Worthy Conductor, escort the Brother to a seat.
The Worthy Conductor shall escort the visiting Brother to a seat and then, returning to his own place, give the Worthy President the salutation sign.
The Worthy Conductor shall remain upon his feet until he has discharged the various duties prescribed in the opening ceremonies, after which he shall be seated when the Worthy President seats the Aerie.
Worthy President: Junior Past Worthy President, The Junior Past Worthy President rises and gives the salutation sign. what are your duties during a business session of the Aerie?
Junior Past Worthy President: To sit at the station of Liberty; to urge the right of every Brother to be heard, if he is in order, and to give such advice and counsel to our members as they have a right to expect of one who occupies this exalted station.
The Junior Past Worthy President shall remain standing until the Worthy President seats the Aerie.
Worthy President: Worthy Vice-President, The Worthy Vice-President rises and gives the salutation sign. what are your duties?
Worthy Vice-President: To sit at the station of Truth and to use my voice and influence in urging that all matters of interest to this Aerie be discussed only in the Aerie room. During your absence or disability, Worthy President, I am authorized to preside over the Aerie.
The Worthy Vice-President shall remain standing until the Worthy President seats the Aerie.
Worthy President: Worthy Chaplain, The Worthy Chaplain rises and gives the salutation sign. what are your duties?
Worthy Chaplain: To ask in the name of all, the guidance of God, to urge that wisdom mark all our deliberations, and to insist that Justice be measured out impartially.
The Worthy Chaplain shall remain standing until the Worthy President seats the Aerie.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, The Worthy Conductor gives the salutation sign. what does my station symbolize?
Worthy Conductor: Equality.
Worthy President: Brothers, I shall try earnestly to hold at even balance the scales of Justice and to encourage at all times the speaking of the Truth. I shall grant the utmost Liberty of act and word to each Brother as long as he respects the rights of every other Brother. In this way I can best exemplify the spirit of Equality, and to this end you owe me your aid and good will.
At this point in the ceremony no one shall enter or leave the Aerie hall until the Worthy President has declared the meeting open.
The Worthy President shall call the Aerie to its feet.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, The Worthy Conductor gives the salutation sign. attend the Flag!
The Worthy Conductor shall go to the station of the Junior Past Worthy President, receive from him the Flag, and place it on the pedestal or other device prepared to receive it.
The Flag and the pedestal or device shall be placed on the side of the Altar on which members enter the Aerie room when the Aerie is in session, and in such position that those who enter the room will face the Flag.
The Flag shall be attached to a suitable staff and shall be of such size and proportions as shall be prescribed by the Grand Aerie The pedestal or device shall be such as not to detract from the dignity of the Flag.
After the Flag is placed on the pedestal or device by the Worthy Conductor, the Worthy President shall say: The Aerie will salute the Flag.
The Aerie shall thereupon give the salutation sign of the Order.
During this part of the ceremony, a patriotic air should be played, and the drill team may execute appropriate formations orresent some historical tableau. The greatest freedom may be exercised in the selections, so long as they are instructive, anddignified.
Worthy Conductor: This is our Flag. Above it, during the busy day and in the silence of the night, is a sentinel—the Spirit of Liberty—always on duty, guarding the honor of the Nation and the happiness of the home.
As each member, on entering the Aerie room, comes before the Flag, he shall stop and salute it, with the salutation sign of the Order; he shall then step in front of the Altar and give the salutation sign to the Worthy President, then quietly take a seat.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, you will lay the Bible upon the Altar.
The Worthy Conductor shall go to the station of the Worthy Chaplain, receive from him the Bible, and place it, opened, upon the Altar.
During this part of the ceremony, a religious air should be played, and the drill team may execute appropriate formations or p resent some Biblical tableau. The greatest form may be exercised in the selections, so long as they are instructive and dignified.
Worthy Conductor: This is the Bible. Its pages contain the wisdom of the ages and its teachings are founded on the everlasting laws of Truth.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, attend the Emblem!
The Worthy Conductor shall go to the station of the Worthy Vice-President, receive from him the Eagle, the emblem of our Order, and place the Eagle upon the pedestal or other device prepared for it, at the side of the Altar farthest from the side where the Flag has been placed. The head of the Eagle shall be toward the station of the Worthy President. The Altar shall be flanked by the Flag on the one side and by the Eagle on the other. The Flag should hang free. The Altar shall hold only the Bible. The Eagle shall stand by itself. Thus the Flag, the open Bible, and the Eagle will occupy separate places of dignity and honor in the order named.
During this part of the ceremony, a patriotic air should be played, and the drill team may execute appropriate formations or p resent some historical tableau. The greatest freedom may be exercised in the selections, so long as they are instructive and dignified.
Worthy Conductor: This is the Eagle—the Emblem of our Order. From its beak, in balance, hang the scales of Justice, ready to weigh impartially the merits of every cause. The open sweep of these mighty wings shows strength of purpose to go forth at any moment to the defense of the dearest principle of this Fraternity—Equality.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, The Worthy Conductor gives the salutation sign. what is the motto of this Order?
Worthy Conductor: “If I cannot speak well of an Eagle, I Conductor: will not speak ill of him.”
The Worthy Conductor shall return to his place, while the Worthy Chaplain makes his way before the Altar, facing the Worthy President.
Worthy Chaplain: Let us pray.
Our Father: We ask Thy favor on the work that this Aerie is trying to do. We ask Thy presence at the bedside of our sick and in the hearts of those in trouble and in grief. The wish to assist one another; to lessen suffering, whether of the mind or of the body; to encourage a broader spirit of love and brotherhood among men—this wish we present as our offering unto Thee.
If we are loyal and true unto ourselves, we shall be loyal and true unto our Brothers. If we give Justice to all men, we ourselves shall be the better for it. If we believe all men equal in Thy eyes, we shall be the more worthy of Thy loving care.
Help us, Almighty God, to live toward the betterment of our own lives and to be worthy of the ideals of this Order. Amen.
All Members: Amen.
The Worthy President shall seat the Aerie.
The Worthy Chaplain shall return to his place.
Worthy President:I now declare .. Aerie Number .., of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, ready to consider all matters that may rightly come before it.
The Worthy President shall be seated.
Order of Business
1. Opening Ceremony.
2. Calling Roll of Officers.
3. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting.
4. Propositions for Membership.
5. Report of Investigating Committee.
6. Balloting on Applications.
7. Initiation.
8. Report of Aerie Physician.
9. Report of Sick Visiting Committee.
10. Ordering Warrants for Benefits.
11. Reception and Disposition of Bills, Communications, etc.
12. Reports of Standing Committees.
13. Reports of Special Committees.
14. Excuses of Absentees.
15. Unfinished Business.
16. New Business.
17. Reports of Officers Concerning the Finances of the Aerie and the Status of Members.
18. Report of Aerie Auditor.
19. Reports of Membership Campaign and Membership Security Committees.
20. Good of the Order.
21. Closing Ceremony.
Initiatory Ceremony
In the initiation of a large class of candidates, it is permissible to have them brought into the Aerie room and all seated together—during the regular opening ceremony. When this is done, no balloting on applications for membership shall be conducted.
In the initiation of a large class of candidates, the Worthy Conductor may select and conduct two of the candidates, in lieu of the entire class, for presentation to the respective stations. However, the entire class shall stand during the obligation and during the instructions of the Worthy President. In other respects, the candidates, other than the two being conducted to the various stations, shall sit or stand in response to the gavel.
During the initiatory ceremony, no smoking shall be permitted in the Aerie room.
Conversation or anything of a nature tending to distract the attention of the candidates, or to annoy the officers, shall be rigorously prohibited; and it is not only the right but it is the duty of the Worthy President to exact full obedience to these instructions.
A fine, that shall not be remitted, may be the punishment meted out by the Worthy President for flagrant violations.
The Worthy President shall stand until he has directed the Worthy Conductor to take the candidates to the station of the Junior Past Worthy President.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, The Worthy Conductor rises and gives the salutation sign. you will retire to the anteroom and learn if there are any candidates seeking membership in our Order.
The Worthy Conductor shall go to the anteroom. On his return, he shall work his way into the Aerie room; that is, he shall give the proper rap on the inner door, enter the Aerie room, advance to the Altar, upon reaching the Flag, stop and give the salutation sign, then step to the Altar and give the salutation sign to the Worthy President and say: Worthy President, I find in waitingcandidates.
The Worthy Conductor shall announce the number of candidates in waiting. If there is only one candidate, the singular form of verbs, nouns, and other parts of speech shall be substituted for the plural
forms used in this Ritual.
Worthy President: Have the candidates been properly elected?
The Secretary shall rise, give the salutation sign, and say: They have.
If charges, oral or written, have been filed with the Worthy President against a legally elected applicant, that, in the opinion of the Worthy President, should be investigated before the applicant is initiated, the Worthy President shall direct the Worthy Conductor or some friend of the applicant to tell the applicant, before he enters the Aerie room, that his initiation must be delayed.
The Worthy President shall at the same session appoint a new Committee on Investigation. This latter shall report to the Acne at its next meeting. If a majority of the members present at such meeting favor a re-balloting for electron, a ballot shall be taken at this session in the usual way. The legal number of adverse votes, or blackballs, shall reject the petitioner.
Worthy President: Brother Secretary, have the required fees been paid?
It is the duty of the Secretary to collect the dues before the initiatory ceremony, but if the Secretary has failed to do so, and so advises the Worthy President, the Worthy President shall say: You will please retire and collect them.
When this has been done, the Secretary shall return to his place, give the salutation sign, and say: Worthy President, the fees have been
Worthy President: The Worthy Conductor will now make such preparations as are necessary for the ceremony of initiation.
All members, except those assisting the Worthy Conductor, shall remain seated while preparations for initiation are being made.
Worthy Conductor: Worthy President, giving the salutation sign the Aerie is now ready to receive the candidates.
Worthy President: Then, Worthy Conductor, you may bring them before the Altar.
No one—including the Worthy Conductor and his attendants—shall converse with the candidates while they are being prepared for the ceremony and being conducted to the Aerie room. An unbroken silence will add to the dignity and the impressiveness of the ceremony, and the Worthy President has full authority to enforce this rule. However, the Worthy Conductor shall have the right to give an audible command to the drill team, candidates, or both, to facilitate their proper presence at the Altar and at the several stations.
While the obligation, the lectures and the instructions to the candidates are being given, no one shall be permitted to retire from the Aerie room unless the need is urgent, in which event he shall quietly leave without approaching the Altar.
Members entering the Aerie room during this time shall take seats near the door, and make their proper approach to the Altar upon the conclusion of the initiatory ceremony.
The Worthy Conductor with his attendants, if any, accompanied by the candidates, shall make his way to the inner door and give a rap The Inside Guard, after inspection, shall report: Worthy Vice-President, the Worthy Conductor, with candidates, seeks admission.
The Worthy Vice-President shall rise, give the salutation sign, and say: Worthy President, the Worthy Conductor, with candidates, seeks admission.
Worthy President: In the name of Liberty, Truth, Justice and Equality, admit them.
The Worthy President calls up the Aerie.
The Aerie room shall remain well lighted until after the Obligation has been given.
The Inside Guard opens the door, and the Worthy Conductor, his attendants, and the candidates enter, the candidates in columns of two. They shall march slowly into the hall in such manner as the Worthy Conductor deems fitting, and form at the Altar, Facing the Worthy President, the candidates being at the Altar, the attendants one pace behind, and the Worthy Conductor at the extreme right of the formation.
During the entrance into and the marching around the hall, there should be appropriate music. When the candidates and attendants are properly grouped at the Altar, the Worthy Conductor shall say to the Worthy President: Worthy President, the candidates are before the Altar.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, what do our friends wish?
Worthy Conductor: They ask the protection and the aid of the members of this Fraternity, and desire to be bound by the ties that bind us.
The Worthy President shall advance to the Altar, and, taking a position facing the candidates, say: My friends, are you willing to take upon your conscience a solemn vow, which, while pledging you to devote your best efforts to upholding the teachings of this Order, will in no way conflict with any civic or religious duty? You will please answer.
The candidates shall answer.
Worthy President: Do you believe in the existence of a Supreme Being? You will please answer.
The candidates shall answer.
Worthy President:You will raise your right hand, and keep it raised until I have given you the Obligation. I shall recite the Obligation. After I have concluded, if you are willing to accept the pledges, you will so affirm.
Should the Worthy President observe that any candidate has failed to raise his right hand, or prematurely lowers it, he shall again advise the candidate to keep his right hand raised.
Before God, and on my honor, I promise that I will never make known to anyone the passwords and Rituals of this Order, except to Eagles in good standing, and then only if I am authorized to do so.
I promise never to aid or join an Aerie, or any organization of alleged Eagles, that is not approved by the Grand Aerie.
I will abide by and obey the laws, rules and regulations of the Grand Aerie.
I promise never to propose for admission into the Order a man whom I know to be unworthy; never to use the blackball unless I have conscientious reasons for so doing; and never to permit the religious opinions of an applicant, his nationality, or his membership in any other organization to influence my ballot.
I promise never to take unfair advantage of an Eagle in business matters, and never to let him suffer loss of any kind if I can prevent.
I promise to further, at all times, the patriotic, the humanitarian and the fraternal teachings of this Order.
I promise to try, steadfastly, to make my home the abiding place6f thoughts and acts that are wholesome and righteous.
I promise to give our Country the devoted loyalty of a patriot.
Before this Altar my attention is particularly directed to the following vows, and I give my pledge to observe them:
If I cannot speak well of an Eagle, I will not speak ill of him.
I promise at all times to respect the sanctity of his home and family.
I understand the meaning of these pledges and I ask my God and my Brothers to help me keep them.
I acknowledge that the wilful violation of any of them is just cause for expulsion from the Order
My friends if you accept these vows and are willing to give your solemn pledge to observe them, you will now repeat after me:
I do accept them and I will observe them, so help me God.
You may now lower your hand.
Each candidate must give this pledge or withdraw from the Aerie room.
The Worthy Chaplain shall leave his station and take the place of the Worthy President before the Altar. The Worthy President shall, while the Worthy Chaplain is approaching the Altar, return to his own station.
At this time, if possible, the lights shall be turned low, or dimmed.
Worthy Chaplain: Let us pray.
Our Father: We ask Thee to look with special favor upon these men who, with Thy sacred name on their lips, havc promised these things which will add to their own happiness. Let the solemn vows just taken be worthily kept. Let each year strengthen their loyalty to this obligation, so that they may ever become stronger links in the golden chain of a Brotherhood that seeks to do unto others as we would that others should do unto us. Amen.
All Members: Amen.
The following Ode must be sung, at every initiation, by the Aerie or by a soloist, drill team or whomsoever the Worthy President shall designate. Or, in lieu thereof, it may be recited by the Worthy President or some one or more persons by him designated.
Ode to the Candidates
Around you stand, hand touching hand,
Men who have come before
This Altar to be bound with you
In vows forevermore.
The man that’s stirred to speak a word
For an absent Brother’s name,
Will find that he can easily
Put the slanderer to shame.
In justice to yourself—be true
And help us in life’s fight,
Then if we do the same by you,
Life’s burdens will be light.
And if we try most earnestly
To do each other good,
We shall ring true from every view
Of this great Brotherhood.
The Worthy President shall seat the Aerie.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, take the candidates to the station of the Junior Past Worthy President.
The Worthy President shall be seated.
The Worthy Conductor, candidates, and attendants shall march slowly to each station and form in front of, and facing, the officer who is to give the lecture. The candidates in front, the attendants one pace behind the candidates, and the Worthy Conductor shall stand at the left of the candidates.
Whenever possible and convenient, a slow march may be played as the candidates are led from one station to another.
Worthy Conductor, stopping at the station of the Junior Past Worthy President: This is the station of Liberty.
The Junior Past Worthy President shall rise The transparency representing Liberty shall be illuminated and, at some time during the lecture, the attention of the candidates especially directed to it by the Junior Past Worthy President.
Junior Past Worthy President: Liberty! The history of mankind is written around this word. To its sacred cause the master minds of ages have dedicated the loftiest gems of oratory, and in its service men have reached the summit of human greatness. The battlefields where vast armies fell, seeking to extend some tyrant’s power, may, in the fullness of time, be unmarked, unheeded, and unknown; but the magic peal of Patrick Henry’s eloquence—”Give me Liberty or give me death”—will reverberate forever; and, filled with its inspiration, the humblest man finds, even in this day, the dignity and the courage to die, if there be need, like Nathan Hale, regretting that he had but one life to give for his country.
But the liberty of the nation is only the sum of our individual liberties. And the liberty of the individual is only a bit less sacred than is the liberty of the State. Liberty is not license! Liberty may be likened to a flower that the tears of women and the blood of men have nourished until its beauty is an inspiration and its fragrance a benediction. License is a mould that tarnishes the splendor of the loftiest manhood and breeds suffering and hatred. The spirit of liberty asks no more from a man than it would give to that man. The spirit of license exacts from a man what it would not willingly let him exact, in turn. You have no right to ask from me what you would not give to me; and I have no right to impose ideas and conditions on you, which, were I in the minority, I would not myself accept from you.
The courage to die in defense of one’s country is no whit more praiseworthy than the courage to live worthily for one’s country. And as you consecrate the fullness of the best that lies in you to our common Land, give gladly, because you value your liberty, the same right to every other man to think his thoughts, to live his life, to love his country, and to worship his God, as you ask for yourself.
The light in the transparency representing Liberty shall be turned out.
Junior Past Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, you will now take the candidates to the station of the Worthy Vice-President.
The Junior Past Worthy President shall be seated.
Worthy Conductor, stopping at the station of the Worthy Vice President: This is the station of Truth.
The Worthy Vice-President shall rise. The transparency representing Truth shall be illuminated, and at some time during the lecture the attention of the candidates especially directed to it by the Worthy Vice-President.
Worthy Vice-President: The interest shown by you during the charge delivered by our Junior Past Worthy President impresses me with the belief that the motives that prompted you to join this Fraternity are praiseworthy. He has told you of the sacred rights of liberty. But without truth, liberty could not long endure; for a man’s honor—and a nation’s— rests upon the integrity of a promise.
The chances of life may rob us of our possessions; sickness may lay feeble the sturdiest frame; circumstances may lead us to believe we are right in doing that which will bring on us the censure of our fellow men; but the confidence of friends will vanish only when our reputation for speaking the truth departs. In all dealings with your fellow men be careful what you promise. Let your word be of the kind that, once given, each of us shall have absolute confidence in its integrity. Think before you promise, and promise only what you intend to do.
The light in the transparency representing Truth shall be turned out.
Worthy Vice-President: Worthy Conductor, you will now take the candidates to the station of the Worthy Chaplain.
The Worthy Vice-President shall be seated.
Worthy Conductor, stopping at the station of the Worthy Chaplain: This is the station of Justice.
The Worthy Chaplain shall rise. The transparency representing Justice shall be illuminated and, at some time during the lecture, the attention of the candidates especially directed to it by the Worthy Chaplain.
Worthy Chaplain: One of the finest traits of a manly character is a sense of justice. If you have wronged a man in any way, you should remember that it is only a noble nature that frankly admits an error, and that seeks the earliest opportunity to make amends. When we ask you to be especially just in your treatment of your Brother Eagles, we mean to urge you to remember that their acts and opinions may be as worthy of consideration as are your own. If each one of us shows that spirit of fairness toward every other Eagle, we shall be united by ties so far-reaching and powerful in their influence that membership in this Fraternity will, more and more, be held a privilege.
Let your mind rest again on this part of the obligation that you have so lately taken: “If I cannot speak well of an Eagle, I will not speak ill of him.” Hold steadfastly to this resolution. It does not mean that we ask you to approve everything that a Brother may do; but, when you feel there is just cause for censure, go to the man himself and tell him of his failing—do not aid in exposing his weakness to the curiosity and contempt of others. By your actions, urge him to better efforts; do not discourage and embitter him by the attitude— “I am holier than thou”; for is there one among us without fault?
Be just, and give as much to each of us as you expect from each of us; do your part in adding to the sum of human happiness; and, after a worthy act, say to yourself, “Not for charity, but justice.”
The light in the transparency representing Justice shall be turned out.
Worthy Chaplain: Worthy Conductor, you will now take the candidates to the station of the Worthy President.
The Worthy Chaplain shall be seated.
Worthy Conductor, stopping at the station of the Worthy President: This is the station of Equality.
The Worthy President shall rise. The transparency representing Equality shall be illuminated and, at some time during the lecture, the attention of the candidates especially directed to it by the Worthy President.
Worthy President: In this Fraternity all men are equal.
Not equal in wealth or in education or in bodily strength, but equal in the right to state their opinions and have them treated with consideration; equal in the right to vote upon any subject that may come before the Aerie; equal in the right to receive aid from our common fund. Where there is equality of this kind, and where it is conscientiously observed, there will be discussions, there will be differences of opinion, but there will be no dissensions; for each of us has the same right as every other one—no more, no less—and the will of the majority, as shown by the ballot, must ever be accepted. Such equality opens wide the doors of friendship and of true fraternalism; for the ties that bind give equal rights and lay equal obligations upon each of us.
The light in the first transparency representing Equality shall be turned out.
Worthy President: Worthy Conductor, let us now show our Brothers a scene in which some day each must take his part in the exemplification of Equality.
The Worthy President or some member selected by him shall rise. The transparency illustrating the following lecture shall be illuminated. This transparency may be placed above, below, or at one side of the transparency representing Equality If an Aerie so desires, it may provide a more elaborate representation of the thoughts set forth in this lecture. The greatest freedom may be exercised in this arrangement, so long as it is sacred, instructive, and dignified.
Worthy President: The few years that you call life pass swiftly as the shooting of a star across the midnight sky. Your earthly hopes and strivings end at the grave. No matter with what honors life may clothe you, you must go naked to the Throne of God. At times your lot seems hard and the burden so heavy that you grow weary; but struggle on manfully, for, when you reach this goal, you shall enjoy eternal rest. Above your grave the fragrant winds of spring and the chill breath of winter will come and go. The warm glow of June-time sky and the gray veil of bleak December days will fall and fall again; and ever you will sleep in the restful quietness of the earth. Uncounted years will change your body into dust. Your very name will pass from the memory of man. But each of us must come to sleep with you. Wealth and poverty, pride and humility, greed and charity, alike must pass this way—but beyond is God!
This equality at the grave is the lesson that Death teaches, and the man who learns it early in life, early finds happiness in the knowledge.
At this time the light illuminating the transparency shall be turned out and the Aerie lights turned on.
All candidates shall stand during the following instructions.
Worthy President: My Brothers, for such you now are, please follow my instructions carefully.
If you wish to enter any Aerie room while the Aerie is in session, rap once on the inner door. The Inside Guard will raise the wicket or open the door. To him you will give your name, the name and number of your Aerie, the semi-annual password and present your official receipt. If you are qualified, the Inside Guard will admit you to the Aerie room.
Advance immediately toward the Altar. When you reach the Flag, stop, and give the salutation sign, then step to the Altar and give the salutation sign to the Worthy President, then quietly take a seat.
The salutation sign is made by placing your right hand over your heart, thumb and fingers joined. This sign is used when members rise address the Worthy President; when they reach the Altar to ballot on applications, and when crossing the room. The Worthy President acknowledges the salutation sign by a wave of his right hand.
If you wish to retire while the Aerie is in session, advance to the Altar and give the Worthy President the salutation sign. Then quietly leave the room.
The voting sign is made by raising the right hand, the palm outward, the thumb and fingers joined and extended. It is used on all occasions except when a secret ballot is required.
The Grand Honor is given when the Grand Worthy President, his representative, or some officer of the Grand Aerie visits the Local Aerie on official business. It is the same as the salutation sign, and is given by all officers and members.
When a Grand Aerie Officer is introduced to the Aerie, the Worthy President shall call the Aerie to its feet and request the Aerie to give the Grand Honor.
In response the Grand Officer takes one step forward and gives the salutation sign.
The Worthy President shall then seat the Aerie and direct the Worthy Conductor to escort the Grand Officer to a seat of prominence in the Aerie.
We have a password. It is changed every six months. The Worthy President communicates the word to all members in good standing. The present password is
The password may be given in a whisper to each candidate or given aloud.
If, at any time, you wish to make known your membership to any other Eagle, present your official receipt showing that you have paid as provided by law. No other evidence of membership in good standing will be accepted.
I now declare you a member of .. Aerie Number .., of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and as such, entitled equally with every other member to share in its benefits and in its privileges. Above all else: Remember your Obligation!
The gavel is the symbol of authority. Two raps call the Aerie to order. (Give two raps). One rap calls the Aerie to its feet, or seats it when standing. (Give one rap). Worthy Conductor, place the Brothers so that they face the Aerie.
Officers and members of .. Aerie Number .., Fraternal Order of Eagles, I take pleasure in presenting our new Brothers. The Aerie will greet them with
the salutation sign.
The members shall give the salutation sign.
The Worthy President shall seat the Aerie.
Closing Ceremony
The Worthy President shall remain standing throughout the closing ceremony.
Worthy President:My Brothers, as we have completed the matters presented for our consideration, I shall, with your help, close the Aerie in form.
Worthy President: Worthy Chaplain, The Worthy Chaplain shall rise and give the salutation sign. you will give our closing prayer.
The Worthy Chaplain shall leave his station, advance to the Altar, and, facing the Worthy President, stand in front of the Bible.
While he is doing this, the Worthy President shall call up the Aerie.
Worthy Chaplain: Our Father: We ask Thee to favor our Country; to guard our homes; to strengthen our friendships; and to help us live lives worthy of the principles of our Order. Amen.
All Members: Amen.
Worthy President: Junior Past Worthy President, you may approach the Altar.
The Junior Past Worthy President shall advance to the Altar, and, facing the Worthy President, shall stand in front of the Flag.
Worthy President: What is our closing precept?
Junior Past Worthy President: My Brothers:
Although the world may scoff and jest,
A life of Service is the best;
And happiness will always be
To him who serves humanity.
Worthy President: Worthy Vice-President, you may advance to the Altar.
The Worthy Vice-President shall advance to the Altar, and, facing the Worthy President, shall stand in front of the Eagle.
Worthy President: My Brothers: What motto have we made our own, to heed at all times among ourselves and, whenever possible, to urge it on the world at large?
The Junior Past Worthy President, the Worthy Chaplain and the Worthy Vice-President shall each stretch forth his right hand and touch the Bible with the tips of his fingers.
The officers at the Altar and all members shall respond by saying: “If I cannot speak well of an Eagle, I will not speak ill of him.”
The Altar shall be dismantled in the following manner. After the motto has been given, the Worthy Vice-President shall take the Eagle, the Worthy Chaplain shall take the Bible, and the Junior Past Worthy President shall take the Flag Each shall then turn, face his station, and walk slowly to it. When he reaches his station, he shall place that which he is carrying at his station in the same position it was prior to the opening of the meeting, and resume a standing position in his station. After this is done, the Worthy President shall make the closing announcement:
Worthy President: I now declare .. Aerie Number .. closed until next .. at .. p.m., unless convened earlier by notice to the members.
The Worthy President sounds the gavel.
Area served Essential $10 million Website Fraternal Purchase of Eagles ( N.O.Y.) is usually an global that was started on Feb 6, 1898 in by a team of six theatre owners including (the very first leader), siblings and Tim J. Considine, Harry (H.D.) Leavitt (who later on became a member of the ), Mose GoIdsmith and Arthur WiIliams. Originally produced up of those involved in one method or anothér in the, thé Eagles grew and stated credit for setting up the vacation in the United Expresses as nicely as the 'push for ' in the United Claims. Their lodges are recognized as 'aeries.' Ornamentation of the former Eagles Aerie No. 1, in Seattle. The Fraternal Order of Eagles, an global non-profit company, unites fraternally in the spirit of freedom, truth, rights, and equality, to create human living more attractive by reducing its ills, and by promoting peace, success, gladness and hope.
RULES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF EAGLE RIDERS. Laws of the Aerie and the Constitution and Statutes of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Fraternal Order of Eagles (F.O.E.) is an international fraternal organization that was founded on February 6, 1898 in Seattle, Washington by a group of six theater. The Fraternal Order of Eagles, an international nonprofit organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope. Fraternal Order of Eagles. Fraternal Order of Eagles © 2004 The Board of Trustees. Ritual book and the Fraternal Order of Eagles Officers’ Handbook.
The Fraternal Purchase of Eagles had been established on Feb 6, 1898. The organization was formed by six theatre owners sitting down on a pile of lumber in 'beds shipyard inside.
They had been competitors who acquired come jointly to talk about a music artists' hit. After deciding how to manage the hit, they decided to 'bury the hatchet' and form an firm named 'The Purchase of Good Points.' Early meetings were held on nearby theater stages, and after having care of business, attendees folded out a and enjoyed social time. As amounts grew, participants chosen the as the established emblem and changed the name to 'The Fraternal Order of Eagles.' In April 1898, the membership formed a Grand Aerie, secured a charter and developed a constitution and by-laws, with John Cort elected the Eagles' 1st leader. Touring theatre troupes are usually credited with much of the Eagles' rapid growth.
Many early members were actors, stagehands and playwrights, who carried the Eagles story as they touréd across the Unitéd Claims and Europe. The business's achievement is also attributed to its funeral service advantages (no Eagle was ever buried in a ), the supply of an aerie doctor, and some other membership benefits. The Eagles pushed for the founding of, provided the inspiration for, and forced to finish job splendour centered on age. The Eagles possess provided assistance for medical facilities across the United State governments and Canada to build and offer research on medical related circumstances.
Every year they raise millions of bucks to overcome heart illness and malignancy, help kids with disabilities, and uplift the outdated and infirm. Background of the Aérie An in nature can be the high nest of any parrot of victim, like eagles and háwks. In the FraternaI Purchase of Eagles, the phrase Aerie is definitely the name of the building in which the people fulfill and hold events. History of the Auxiliary. Official logo of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Additional A 'brand-new era for the ladies of Eagledom' started when an variation to the Great Aerie Laws to set up a Great Auxiliary transferred unanimously at the 1951 Grand Aerie Tradition in.

Eagle Auxiliaries acquired been around before the Grand Auxiliary has been shaped, the initial being founded on March 24, 1927 in Pittsburg, Kansas. Three days later on, a second Auxiliary had been set up in. By Drive 1951, 965 nearby Auxiliaries were in life, amassing 130,000 associates. By the finish of that year, 22 condition and provincial Auxiliaries were also working. Schedule. 1898 - 'Order of Good Things' founded. Afterwards that 12 months, the business changed its title to Fraternal Order of Eagles and produced the first Aerie.
1904 - Y.O.Elizabeth. Starts suggesting for. 1927 - Development and development of the Ladies Additional. 1935 - Support for enactment of Laws.
1944 - Eagles Funeral Fund founded. 1954 - Nearly 10,000 plaques dispersed. 1955 - F.O.At the.
Monument positioned in. This area needs extra details for. Unsourced materials may be questioned and taken out. (December 2013) Officers of the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles, on a nearby and international level, are selected each season by well-known vote of their delegates. Condition and regional leaders are usually hired each 12 months by the Great Worthy and Great Madam Presidents.
The business is directed by the two highest elected opportunities, the and the. The Grand Valuable and Grand Madam Presidents provide a one-year term touring the two countries meeting and celebrating milestone events with all Aerie and Auxiliary associates.
The Grand Aerie Officials are the working body of the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles between conferences and work with the Plank of Grand Trustees and the Great Auxiliary. The Table of Great Trustees, with the exception of the Cháirman of the Panel, is furthermore an selected entire body. The Chairman of the Board will be the immediate past Great Worthy Chief executive. Regular membership At one point the certification for account had been that one must end up being 21 yrs old, possess a great character, not be a and become a.
By the late 1970s the all white provision acquired officially been rescinded, but, because the Purchase utilized the to confess new associates, it had been hard for minorities to gain regular membership. In 1979 the Enemy attempted to obtain a court action terminated that supposed it has been violating the by not really enabling to make use of their athletic amenities. The article mentioned that a regional Eagle official could only cite as a dark associate of the Enemy. As of 2007 regular membership is open to any person of great moral personality, and believes in the lifestyle of a substantial being, and is certainly not a member of the Communist Celebration nor any company which advocates the destruction of the United Expresses federal government. In 1979 the Order acquired 800,000 associates, a number said to possess been relatively constant over a decade. In 2011, it acquired 850,000 member in the primary organization and 250,000 users of the women's additional.
Fraternal Order Of Eagles Statutes
The Enemy no much longer uses secret security passwords or ' rité. But, in 1979, it still experienced a routine. The prospective member has been asked to guarantee before God and on his honor, not to disclose the rituals of the Order to anyone outsidé of the Enemy. The initiation required place in hotel room furnished with an ceremony and a Bible and incorporated religious phrases and wishes. The FOE got an plan in its early yrs, but discontinued this in 1927.
Rather it provided ill and demise benefits for people who would pay out higher costs. As a result, the FOE now has two membership categories, beneficial and non-beneficial. Charitable providing 'Individuals helping individuals' is a statement that books the non-profit actions of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and has brought the Eagles to donate even more than $100 million annually. As part of the charitable idea, the Eagles provide back 100 percent of the contributions obtained in the form of grants. All administrative costs are paid by the Essential Corporation through account fees.
In 1941 the Enemy donated funds for the structure of a dórmitory at., the owner of Children Town had been member of the order. A several years later the Order sponsored the creation of Eagle Area at the.
The Great Girl Farm, near provides also received a dormitory. The Funeral Foundation had been created in 1946, and frequently supports medical research projects. In the 1970s the Enemy joined up with in initiatives to conserve the from extinction. They also given their attempts to help the mainly because properly. In 1959 the Enemy began building on a pension house for aged associates in. Nowadays this home is component of Eagle Village, where there are usually other services available to the aged. Government Relationships Since the period of the the FOE has promoted social laws, particularly old age and mothers pensions, ánd.
By 1980 it had been advocating for elderly people to function after age 65 and to return the Public Security program back again to its primary purpose. Mother's Day time. As group captain/coach of in 1896, a History Grand Valuable President of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Sth Bend, Indiana, campaigned for 'a national day to recognize our mothers,' almost 35 decades after social activist very first proposed a identical U.Beds.
The idea of advocating for came to when he was a faculty member at the. Walking into the class of a man instructor, found his colleague distributing dime postcards to learners. Each college student dealt with his or her cards and scribbled a information on it. Has been up to date the college students could compose anything, mainly because longer as it has been resolved to the college students' moms. Leveraged his link with the Fraternal Company of Eagles to manage its users in marketing the holiday, and in 1914, laws in the requested a presidential proclamation to designate the 2nd Sunday in May as Mother's Time. This time was encouraged by, child of who continuing her mother's function in crusading fór a U.H. Memorial day for mothers.
President authorized the proclamation and May 10, 1914 grew to become the initial standard. In 1925, the 'Community of War Moms' invited to take part in a particular ceremony. There, at the ',' béfore a large market including several congressmen and senators, has been presented as 'the Dad of.' That had been 11 years after President by Proclamation officially produced the 2nd Sunday in Might.
Today the Eagles' work to recognize moms on is recognized by the Birthplace Museum - a art gallery praising the little girl of. Great Madam President Margaret Cox (2007-2008), was named “2008 Mother of the Season” by the Birthplace Museum in partnership with the inside. Cox has been privileged at the 100th wedding anniversary of the vacation during the Founder's Celebration, Might 10 and 11, 2008. Ten Commandments In the 1940s, At the.J. Ruegemer, a Mn juvenile courtroom tell and member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, launched a countrywide campaign to publish duplicates of the Tén Commandments in child process of law across the nation. His objective - to supply a moral foundation for struggling youngsters.
In 1956, movie director Cecil B. DeMille'h epic film 'The Ten Commandments' opens across the country. DeMille and Ruégemer drum up press for the movie by working collectively to build granite monuments of the Tén Commandments across thé country. Although there is no recognized report of how many monuments were erected, amounts array from much less than 100 to more than 2,000. The Fraternal Order of Eagles kept the task going long after the movie opened, and some monuments didn't get erected until up to 10 yrs later.
Many monuments went upward in open public locations like theme parks, town halls, and courthouses. On September 30, 1961, the Fraternal Order of Eagles of Tx introduced the State of with á 6-foot-high monolith inscribed with the, which in 2006 grew to become the issue of a divisive and debatable legal problem that attained the. The case was reigned over 5-4 in favor of the accused, the State of Tx, and the monument has been allowed to remain on the argument of the State Capitol. Significant Eagles buildings. Main content:., Seattle, Wa., Alliance, Ohio., Milwaukee, Wisconsin., Evansville, Indiana., Richmond, Va Notable Eagles United Claims Presidents 7 held membership rights in the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles. Cheyenne, Wyoming, 26th Chief executive. Marion, Kansas, 29th Us president.

Buffalo, New York, 32nd President. Self-reliance, Missouri, 33rd leader. Hyde Park, Massachusetts, 35th Leader. Atlanta, Atlanta, 39th Leader,. Santa Barbara, Ca, 40th President, Well known Aerie people. has been an United states labor association leader and writer who offered as the Us president of the Cosmopolitan Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) partnership from 1958 until 1971. He disappeared in late September 1975 at age 62., Skid Road, Ballantine Publications (1960).
144-146 cites for Cort, Bob Considine, Leavitt, and Leavitt's departure. Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Objective Statement. Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Ritual and Cosmetic, predate 1954. Webster't Dictionary, 2007 edition. Proceedings from the Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles Conference, 1951. October 1951 issue of Mrs. Eagle publication.
Schmidt, Alvin M. Fraternal Agencies Westport, CT; Greenwood Push pp.25-6. ^ Schmidt, Alvin L.
Fraternal Companies Westport, CT; Greenwood Push pp.96. Information drawn from monthly brand-new Aerie/Additional report. Cases from the Great Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles Tradition. ^ Schmidt, Alvin L.
Fraternal Organizations Westport, CT; Greenwood Press pp.95-6. Title 111, Section 70.2 Content of Incorporation Cosmetics and Statutes 2007.
^. ^ Schmidt, Alvin M. Fraternal Agencies Westport, CT; Greenwood Press pp.95. All monetary and dated data pulled from Process of the Great Aerie Conference, 1959-2007 and Grand Aerie Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Yearly Financial Review.
Great Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles Yearly Financial Review. Anna Jarvis Birthplace Art gallery. February 1925 issue of The American War Mom. From the Memoires of Open Elizabeth.
Hering. Mn Public Radio (10 Sept 2001). Recommendations. External links Wikimedia Commons provides media related to.
Area served World $10 million Website Fraternal Order of Eagles ( F.O.Y.) is definitely an international that was created on February 6, 1898 in by a group of six movie theater owners like (the very first us president), siblings and Tim L. Considine, Harry (H.D.) Leavitt (who afterwards joined up with the ), Mose GoIdsmith and Arthur WiIliams. Originally produced up of those engaged in one method or anothér in the, thé Eagles increased and claimed credit for establishing the vacation in the United State governments as nicely as the 'inspiration for ' in the United States. Their lodges are recognized as 'aeries.'
Artwork of the previous Eagles Aerie No. 1, in Seattle. The Fraternal Order of Eagles, an worldwide non-profit company, unites fraternally in the soul of liberty, truth, justice, and equal rights, to make human daily life more attractive by decreasing its ills, and by advertising peace, success, gladness and hope. The Fraternal Purchase of Eagles has been started on February 6, 1898. The corporation was formed by six theatre owners seated on a heap of wood in 's shipyard in. They had been competitors who acquired come together to discuss a music artists' strike.
After deciding how to deal with the hit, they decided to 'hide the hatchet' and form an firm called 'The Order of Good Factors.' Earlier meetings had been held on local theater stages, and after consuming treatment of business, attendees folded out a and liked social time. As figures grew, participants chosen the as the recognized emblem and changed the title to 'The Fraternal Order of Eagles.' In Apr 1898, the a regular membership shaped a Great Aerie, secured a hire and created a cosmetic and by-laws, with David Cort elected the Eagles' very first leader. Touring movie theater troupes are usually acknowledged with much of the Eagles' quick growth. Most early members were stars, stagehands and playwrights, who transported the Eagles tale as they touréd across the Unitéd Claims and Europe. The firm's success is also attributed to its memorial benefits (no Eagle was ever left in a ), the provision of an aerie doctor, and additional membership advantages.
The Eagles forced for the founding of, offered the inspiration for, and pressed to end job splendour centered on age. The Eagles have got provided support for medical facilities across the United Says and Canada to develop and supply analysis on professional medical problems. Every 12 months they raise millions of dollars to combat heart illness and cancer tumor, help children with disabilities, and uplift the old and infirm. History of the Aérie An in nature will be the lofty home of any bird of prey, including eagles and háwks.
In the FraternaI Order of Eagles, the term Aerie is usually the title of the building in which the members meet up with and hold events. Background of the Additional. Official logo of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Additional A 'brand-new era for the women of Eagledom' started when an variation to the Great Aerie Laws to establish a Great Auxiliary passed all at the 1951 Grand Aerie Meeting in. Eagle Auxiliaries had existed before the Grand Auxiliary had been produced, the initial being founded on Walk 24, 1927 in Pittsburg, Kansas. Three times later on, a 2nd Auxiliary had been established in. By Walk 1951, 965 nearby Auxiliaries had been in living, amassing 130,000 users. By the finish of that calendar year, 22 state and provincial Auxiliaries were also operating.
Timeline. 1898 - 'Purchase of Great Issues' founded. Later on that season, the organization changed its title to Fraternal Order of Eagles and shaped the initial Aerie. 1904 - F.O.Y. Starts suggesting for. 1927 - Development and development of the Women Auxiliary.

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1935 - Support for enactment of Regulation. 1944 - Eagles Funeral Fund founded. 1954 - Nearly 10,000 plaques dispersed. 1955 - N.O.Age.
Monument positioned in. This area needs extra details for. Unsourced materials may become challenged and removed.
(December 2013) Officers of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, on a nearby and global level, are usually selected each season by popular vote of their delegates. Condition and regional leaders are usually equiped each year by the Grand Valuable and Grand Madam Presidents. The firm is brought by the two highest selected positions, the and the. The Great Valuable and Great Madam Presidents function a one-year expression touring the two nations meeting and celebrating milestone occasions with all Aerie and Auxiliary members. The Grand Aerie Officials are the operating entire body of the Fraternal Order of Eagles between promotions and function with the Table of Grand Trustees and the Great Additional.
The Panel of Great Trustees, with the exclusion of the Cháirman of the Panel, is also an elected entire body. The Chairman of the Table is the immediate past Great Worthy Us president. A regular membership At one point the certification for pub were that one must become 21 decades old, have a good character, not really end up being a and end up being a.
By the late 1970s the all white provision experienced officially been recently rescinded, but, because the Order utilized the to admit new members, it has been challenging for minorities to obtain regular membership. In 1979 the Enemy tried to get a lawsuit terminated that supposed it had been violating the by not permitting to make use of their athletic amenities. The write-up stated that a local Eagle official could only report as a black associate of the Enemy. As of 2007 membership rights is open up to any person of good moral character, and thinks in the life of a best getting, and is not really a member of the Communist Party nor any business which advocates the overthrow of the United Claims federal government. Return to castle wolfenstein 2 pc game free. download full version. In 1979 the Purchase experienced 800,000 members, a shape said to have been fairly constant over a 10 years. In 2011, it acquired 850,000 member in the major business and 250,000 users of the ladies's additional. The Enemy no much longer uses magic formula passwords or ' rité.
But, in 1979, it nevertheless had a routine. The potential member has been inquired to guarantee before God and on his respect, not really to divulge the rituals of the Order to anyone outsidé of the Enemy. The initiation took place in lodge room equipped with an altar and a Scriptures and integrated religious key phrases and wishes. The FOE acquired an system in its early yrs, but stopped this in 1927.
Rather it offered unwell and death benefits for people who would pay higher costs. As a result, the FOE now has two pub categories, advantageous and non-beneficial.
Charitable offering 'People helping people' will be a declaration that guides the charitable actions of the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles and provides led the Eagles to donate even more than $100 million annually. As part of the non-profit school of thought, the Eagles provide back again 100 percent of the advantages obtained in the form of grants. All management costs are compensated by the Essential Business through regular membership dues. In 1941 the FOE donated money for the construction of a dórmitory at., the originator of Young boys Town has been member of the order. A few years later the Order subsidized the creation of Eagle Corridor at the.
The High Girl Ranch, near has also received a dormitory. The Memorial Foundation had been started in 1946, and frequently supports medical research tasks. In the 1970s the FOE joined in attempts to save the from extinction. They furthermore lent their attempts to help the as well. In 1959 the FOE began building on a pension house for elderly users in. Today this home is component of Eagle Community, where there are other facilities accessible to the elderly. Government Relationships Since the time of the the Enemy has marketed social laws, particularly old age and moms pensions, ánd.
By 1980 it was suggesting for elderly people to function after age group 65 and to come back the Sociable Security system back again to its original purpose. Mother's Day time.
As group captain/coach of in 1896, a Recent Grand Worthy President of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Sth Bend, Indianapolis, campaigned for 'a nationwide time to honor our moms,' almost 35 yrs after cultural activist first suggested a related U.T. The idea of suggesting for came to when he has been a teachers associate at the. Strolling into the class of a guy instructor, discovered his friend distributing penny postcards to learners. Each pupil addressed his or her cards and scribbled a message on it. Has been up to date the students could create anything, simply because very long as it had been attended to to the college students' mothers. Leveraged his connection with the Fraternal Company of Eagles to organize its members in advertising the holiday, and in 1914, legislation in the asked for a presidential proclamation to specify the 2nd Weekend in May as Mother's Time.
This time was encouraged by, little girl of who continuing her mom's function in crusading fór a U.S. Memorial time for moms. President agreed upon the proclamation and Might 10, 1914 grew to become the very first official. In 1925, the 'Culture of War Moms' asked to participate in a specific ceremony. Now there, at the ',' béfore a large audience including several congressmen and senators, has been launched as 'the Dad of.'
That was 11 yrs after President by Proclamation formally produced the 2nd Weekend in May. Today the Eagles' work to recognize mothers on is regarded by the Birthplace Museum - a museum honoring the little girl of. Great Madam President Margaret Cox (2007-2008), has been named “2008 Mom of the Yr” by the Birthplace Museum in relationship with the inside. Cox had been honored at the 100th wedding anniversary of the vacation during the President's Celebration, May 10 and 11, 2008.
Ten Commandments In the 1940s, Elizabeth.J. Ruegemer, a Minnesota juvenile courtroom court and member of the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles, released a countrywide marketing campaign to post duplicates of the Tén Commandments in juvenile process of law across the nation. His objective - to supply a moral basis for troubled youth. In 1956, director Cecil W.
DeMille'beds epic movie 'The Ten Commandments' opens across the nation. DeMille and Ruégemer drum up advertising for the film by functioning together to erect granite ancient monuments of the Tén Commandments across thé nation. Although there is certainly no formal report of how several monuments were erected, amounts vary from much less than 100 to even more than 2,000. The Fraternal Order of Eagles kept the task going longer after the film opened up, and some ancient monuments didn't get constructed until up to 10 yrs later. Several monuments went up in open public areas like park systems, city halls, and courthouses. On September 30, 1961, the Fraternal Order of Eagles of Tx provided the Condition of with á 6-foot-high monolith inscribed with the, which in 2006 became the issue of a divisive and controversial legal issue that arrived at the.
The situation was dominated 5-4 in favor of the defendant, the Condition of Texas, and the monument had been allowed to stay on the grounds of the Condition Capitol. Notable Eagles buildings. Main content:., Seattle, Washington., Alliance, Kansas., Milwaukee, Wisconsin., Evansville, Indianapolis., Richmond, Va Notable Eagles United Says Presidents Seven held a regular membership in the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles.
Cheyenne, Wyoming, 26th Chief executive. Marion, Kansas, 29th Leader. Zoysia grass, New York, 32nd President. Self-reliance, Missouri, 33rd chief executive.
Hyde Recreation area, Massachusetts, 35th Chief executive. Atlanta, Atlanta, 39th President,.
Santa Barbara, California, 40th Leader, Well known Aerie users. Chemical brothers galvanize instrumental mp3 download. had been an American labor marriage innovator and writer who served as the President of the Essential Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) association from 1958 until 1971.
He disappeared in past due September 1975 at age 62., Skid Road, Ballantine Textbooks (1960). 144-146 cites for Cort, Tom Considine, Leavitt, and Leavitt's flying.
Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Objective Declaration. Fraternal Order of Eagles Ritual and Cosmetics, predate 1954. Webster's i9000 Dictionary, 2007 version. Proceedings from the Great Aerie Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Lifestyle, 1951. Oct 1951 issue of Mrs. Eagle publication. Schmidt, Alvin L.
Fraternal Businesses Westport, CT; Greenwood Press pp.25-6. ^ Schmidt, Alvin L.
Fraternal Institutions Westport, CT; Greenwood Press pp.96. Midmark m9 error code c983. Data taken from regular brand-new Aerie/Auxiliary report. Actions from the Great Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles Meeting.
^ Schmidt, Alvin M. Fraternal Companies Westport, CT; Greenwood Push pp.95-6. Title 111, Area 70.2 Posts of Incorporation Composition and Statutes 2007. ^. ^ Schmidt, Alvin J. Fraternal Organizations Westport, CT; Greenwood Press pp.95. All economic and out dated data pulled from Procedures of the Grand Aerie Conference, 1959-2007 and Great Aerie Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Annual Financial Audit.
Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles Annual Financial Review. Anna Jarvis Birthplace Museum.
Fraternal Order Of Eagles Rules
Feb 1925 problem of The American War Mom. From the Memoires of Open Elizabeth. Hering. Minnesota Public Stereo (10 Sept 2001). Referrals. External links Wikimedia Commons provides media associated to.
Area offered World $10 million Website Fraternal Purchase of Eagles ( Y.O.E.) is definitely an global that has been established on February 6, 1898 in by a team of six movie theater owners including (the initial chief executive), siblings and Tim L. Considine, Harry (L.T.) Leavitt (who later on joined up with the ), Mose GoIdsmith and Arthur WiIliams. Originally produced up of those engaged in one method or anothér in the, thé Eagles increased and stated credit for setting up the vacation in the United State governments as well as the 'impetus for ' in the United States. Their lodges are known as 'aeries.' Artwork of the previous Eagles Aerie No. 1, in Seattle. The Fraternal Purchase of Eagles, an global non-profit corporation, unites fraternally in the nature of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human living more desirable by lessening its ills, and by marketing peace, success, gladness and wish.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles has been launched on Feb 6, 1898. The business was created by six theater owners sitting on a pile of wood in 's shipyard in.
They had been competitors who experienced come collectively to talk about a music artists' strike. After choosing how to handle the strike, they decided to 'bury the hatchet' and form an business called 'The Order of Good Issues.'
Early meetings had been held on nearby theater levels, and after taking care of business, attendees rolled out a and appreciated social time. As numbers grew, individuals selected the as the formal logo and changed the title to 'The Fraternal Order of Eagles.' In April 1898, the membership formed a Grand Aerie, guaranteed a charter and created a cosmetics and by-laws, with Bob Cort selected the Eagles' first us president. Touring theatre troupes are acknowledged with very much of the Eagles' rapid growth. Most early members were stars, stagehands and playwrights, who carried the Eagles story as they touréd across the Unitéd Claims and Canada. The firm's success is furthermore attributed to its memorial advantages (no Eagle had been ever hidden in a ), the supply of an aerie doctor, and other membership benefits.
The Eagles forced for the founding of, offered the inspiration for, and moved to finish job splendour based on age. The Eagles have got provided assistance for medical related centers across the United Claims and North america to create and offer research on medical related problems.
Every 12 months they raise large numbers of dollars to fight heart illness and cancer tumor, help kids with afflictions, and uplift the older and infirm. Background of the Aérie An in character is the high home of any parrot of victim, including eagles and háwks.
In the FraternaI Purchase of Eagles, the phrase Aerie will be the name of the building in which the users fulfill and hold events. Background of the Auxiliary. Official logo of the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Auxiliary A 'fresh era for the ladies of Eagledom' began when an change to the Grand Aerie Laws and regulations to set up a Great Auxiliary handed down unanimously at the 1951 Great Aerie Conference in.
Eagle Auxiliaries acquired existed before the Great Auxiliary has been created, the first being started on Walk 24, 1927 in Pittsburg, Kansas. Three days later on, a second Auxiliary was established in. By Drive 1951, 965 local Auxiliaries were in life, totaling 130,000 members. By the end of that calendar year, 22 state and provincial Auxiliaries were also operating. Timeline. 1898 - 'Order of Great Things' founded.
Ariston backgammon crack download. Later on that yr, the company transformed its name to Fraternal Order of Eagles and shaped the very first Aerie. 1904 - N.O.E. Starts advocating for. 1927 - Creation and formation of the Women Additional. 1935 - Support for enactment of Law. 1944 - Eagles Funeral Fund set up.
1954 - Nearly 10,000 plaques distributed. 1955 - N.O.E. Monument positioned in. This section needs extra details for. Unsourced material may be questioned and removed. (Dec 2013) Officers of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, on a local and worldwide level, are usually selected each calendar year by popular election of their delegates. State and regional leaders are hired each season by the Great Worthy and Great Madam Presidents.
The firm is brought by the two highest selected placements, the and the. The Grand Valuable and Great Madam Presidents provide a one-year expression traveling the two nations conference and celebrating milestone activities with all Aerie and Additional associates. The Great Aerie Officials are usually the operating body of the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles between conventions and function with the Panel of Great Trustees and the Grand Auxiliary. The Table of Great Trustees, with the exemption of the Cháirman of the Plank, is also an elected entire body.
The Chairman of the Table is usually the instant past Great Worthy President. Membership rights At one point the qualifications for membership had been that one must end up being 21 yrs old, have a great character, not really become a and end up being a. By the past due 1970s the all whitened provision experienced officially happen to be rescinded, but, because the Order utilized the to acknowledge new people, it had been challenging for minorities to obtain membership. In 1979 the Enemy attempted to obtain a lawsuit dismissed that alleged it has been violating the by not really allowing to use their running facilities. The write-up stated that a nearby Eagle public could only cite as a black member of the Enemy. As of 2007 pub is open up to any person of good moral character, and is convinced in the lifestyle of a best being, and is definitely not really a associate of the Communist Celebration nor any company which recommends the destruction of the United Says government.
In 1979 the Order got 800,000 associates, a number stated to have got been fairly constant over a 10 years. In 2011, it acquired 850,000 associate in the major company and 250,000 associates of the women's auxiliary. The Enemy no more uses secret passwords or ' rité. But, in 1979, it nevertheless acquired a routine.
The potential member was asked to promise before God and on his dignity, not to reveal the rituals of the Order to anyone outsidé of the Enemy. The initiation had taken place in villa room furnished with an altar and a Holy bible and integrated religious key phrases and prayers. The FOE acquired an plan in its earlier years, but discontinued this in 1927. Rather it provided sick and loss of life advantages for members who would spend higher fees. Therefore, the FOE now provides two membership categories, advantageous and non-beneficial. Charitable offering 'People helping people' will be a declaration that courses the non-profit activities of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and offers led the Eagles to contribute more than $100 million each year. As component of the non-profit school of thought, the Eagles provide back 100 pct of the contributions received in the form of grants or loans.
All management costs are compensated by the International Business through regular membership dues. In 1941 the Enemy donated money for the structure of a dórmitory at., the owner of Children Town has been associate of the order. A several years afterwards the Purchase sponsored the creation of Eagle Hall at the. The Large Girl Farm, near has also obtained a dormitory.
The Memorial Foundation has been founded in 1946, and regularly supports professional medical research projects. In the 1970s the FOE became a member of in initiatives to save the from extinction. They also loaned their attempts to assist the mainly because nicely.
In 1959 the FOE began design on a pension home for aged associates in. Today this house is part of Eagle Town, where there are other services available to the aging adults. Government Relations Since the period of the the FOE has marketed social legislation, particularly old age and moms pensions, ánd.
By 1980 it had been suggesting for elderly people to function after age 65 and to come back the Sociable Security program back to its initial purpose. Mother's Time. As team captain/coach of in 1896, a Former Grand Worthy President of the Fraternal Purchase of Eagles in Southerly Bend, Indianapolis, campaigned for 'a nationwide day to recognize our moms,' nearly 35 years after cultural activist first proposed a similar U.Beds.
The concept of advocating for emerged to when he was a teachers associate at the. Walking into the class room of a associates instructor, found his colleague distributing dime postcards to learners. Each pupil attended to his or her cards and scribbled a message on it. Was advised the students could create anything, simply because very long as it has been attended to to the students' mothers. Leveraged his connection with the Fraternal Firm of Eagles to manage its people in advertising the vacation, and in 1914, laws in the requested a presidential proclamation to specify the second Sunday in May as Mother's Time. This date was prompted by, daughter of who carried on her mom's function in crusading fór a U.S i9000.
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Memorial day for moms. President agreed upon the proclamation and May 10, 1914 became the very first formal. In 1925, the 'Modern society of War Mothers' asked to take part in a unique ceremony. Generally there, at the ',' béfore a large audience including many congressmen and senators, was launched as 'the Father of.' That has been 11 years after President by Proclamation formally produced the 2nd Sunday in Might. Nowadays the Eagles' function to recognize moms on is regarded by the Birthplace Museum - a museum honoring the daughter of. Grand Madam Us president Margaret Cox (2007-2008), has been called “2008 Mom of the Year” by the Birthplace Museum in partnership with the inside.
Cox was privileged at the 100th anniversary of the holiday during the Founder's Event, May 10 and 11, 2008. Ten Commandments In the 1940s, Age.J. Ruegemer, a Mn juvenile court court and member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, launched a nationwide marketing campaign to write-up duplicates of the Tén Commandments in child process of law across the country. His objective - to offer a ethical base for anxious youth.
In 1956, movie director Cecil C. DeMille't epic movie 'The Ten Commandments' starts across the country. DeMille and Ruégemer drum up marketing for the film by working jointly to build granite monuments of the Tén Commandments across thé country. Although there is usually no established report of how several monuments had been erected, quantities array from less than 100 to even more than 2,000. The Fraternal Purchase of Eagles kept the project going longer after the film opened up, and some monuments didn't get built until up to 10 yrs later.
Many monuments proceeded to go up in public places like theme parks, city halls, and courthouses. On September 30, 1961, the Fraternal Order of Eagles of Tx presented the State of with á 6-foot-high monolith inscribed with the, which in 2006 grew to become the subject of a divisive and debatable legal issue that reached the.
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The situation was ruled 5-4 in favor of the accused, the State of Tx, and the monument had been permitted to stay on the coffee grounds of the Condition Capitol. Significant Eagles structures. Main article:., Seattle, Washington., Alliance, Ohio., Milwaukee, Wisconsin., Evansville, Indiana., Richmond, Va Notable Eagles United Claims Presidents Seven held membership rights in the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Cheyenne, Wy, 26th Chief executive.
Marion, Kansas, 29th Chief executive. Buffalo, New York, 32nd Chief executive. Self-reliance, Missouri, 33rd us president. Hyde Recreation area, Massachusetts, 35th Us president. Atlanta, Georgia, 39th Chief executive,. Santa Barbara, Ca, 40th Leader, Well known Aerie users.
was an American labor partnership innovator and author who offered as the Chief executive of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) partnership from 1958 until 1971. He vanished in past due September 1975 at age group 62., Skid Street, Ballantine Textbooks (1960). 144-146 cites for Cort, Bob Considine, Leavitt, and Leavitt'h reduction. Fraternal Order of Eagles Objective Declaration.
Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Practice and Cosmetic, predate 1954. Webster's i9000 Dictionary, 2007 release. Cases from the Great Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles Convention, 1951. October 1951 issue of Mrs. Eagle distribution. Schmidt, Alvin M. Fraternal Companies Westport, CT; Greenwood Push pp.25-6.
^ Schmidt, Alvin M. Fraternal Companies Westport, CT; Greenwood Press pp.96. Information pulled from regular brand-new Aerie/Auxiliary report. Procedures from the Great Aerie Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Conference. ^ Schmidt, Alvin J. Fraternal Companies Westport, CT; Greenwood Push pp.95-6. Title 111, Area 70.2 Articles of Incorporation Cosmetics and Statutes 2007.
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Fraternal Order Of Eagles Officer Handbook
^. ^ Schmidt, Alvin L. Fraternal Organizations Westport, CT; Greenwood Press pp.95. All economic and went out with data drawn from Cases of the Great Aerie Convention, 1959-2007 and Grand Aerie Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Annual Financial Review.
Great Aerie Fraternal Purchase of Eagles Yearly Financial Audit. Anna Jarvis Birthplace Art gallery. February 1925 issue of The Us War Mom. From the Memoires of Frank At the. Hering. Mn Public Stereo (10 Sept 2001). Personal references.
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