Cobra 3868 Manual


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Cobra 3868 Installation Manual

I have purchased a Cobra 3868 alarm to fit to my '09 MK7 Transit and need to know the answer to one question.
I have been sent these fitting instructions by the supplier,
I have worked out where all the wires need to go except for one, and I'm not sure if it even gets connected.Cobra 3868 ManualCobra 3868 manual user
The first page of the instructions tells you where to connect to for the main power, earth, etc.
The section for the REAR/SLIDING DOOR tells you to connect to the BLACK/YELLOW wire in the white 57 way connector (vehicle harness), what I need to know is which wire from the alarm unit is connected to this ?
The FRONT DOOR SWITCH is connected to the YELLOW/GREY wire in the same connector and I need to connect this to the BLUE/PINK wire from the alarm.

Cobra 3868 Manual Pdf


Cobra 3868 Manual User

I was wondering whether I need to piggy back the BLUE/PINK wire to the wire for the REAR/SLIDING DOOR ?
I spoke to the supplier and he seemed to think this was the right thing to do but I'm not so sure and being that these vehicles are CAN based I don't want to connect it incorrectly and firk it up.Cobra

Cobra 3868 Manual Transmission

Cobra 3868 Manual Parts

I'm a VW Master Tech so know my way around wiring diagrams, etc but would just like some input from anyone who has fitted this alarm themselves.

Cobra 3868 Alarm Manual

ManualAny help would be appreciated, hoping to fit tomorrow (weather permitting)....